Please join us for the Professional Development Opportunity, "Learning About Learning in the Workplace and Beyond," presented by Dr. John D. Draeger. Breakfast will be provided and is sponsored by the United University Professions Buffalo State Chapter.
This workshop will focus on learning about our own learning. In particular, the metacognitive ability to adapt learning from one context to another is a key goal in higher education and a skill many industries report wanting in their employees. This interactive session explores the premise that if we are metacognitively aware of our learning strategies, then we can be more effective in most everything we do. It offers strategies that can help individuals become more aware of their learning (e.g., self-monitoring) and how to use that awareness to guide their practice (e.g., self-regulation). With these strategies in hand, we will be better prepared for a lifetime of learning in the classroom, in the workplace, and beyond.
Please register through the Workshop Registration System.
Professional Development Center
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