Are you interested in discussing academic standards? Are you worried about declining academic standards? Are you worried about students who seem increasingly ill-prepared for college work? This workshop presents a model of academic rigor that promotes actively engaging students in meaningful content with higher-order thinking at the appropriate level of expectation for a given context (Draeger, del Prado Hill, Hunter, and Mahler, 2013). Through a series of interactive exercises, we will explore how to improve student engagement, how to uncover a course's most meaningful elements, how to determine the forms of higher-order thinking most appropriate for your course, and how to modulate expectations for different student groups (e.g., majors, non-majors, tourists). Even if you did not participate in the first part of the series, you're welcome to come explore more ways of promoting academic rigor and addressing the needs of under prepared students.
Drager, J., del Prado Hill, P., Hunter, L.R., Mahler, R. (2013) " The Anatomy of Academic Rigor: One Institutional Journey" Innovative Higher Education 38(4), 267-279
Professional Development Center
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