How long have you worked at Buffalo State College and if applicable what other areas have you worked/positions have you served in at Buffalo State College?
I have worked at Buffalo State since 1997. Here are the positions I have held:
2000-2017 SUNY RF-Director, McNair Scholars Program
2008-2018-Coordinator, Ross B. Kenzie Scholarship Program
2006-2019- SUNY RF Director, Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation
2004-Present Adjunct Instructor, UNC 100
2019-Present, School of Education-Director (and Advisor & Instructor) Teacher Diversity Pipeline Undergraduate Program
What motivates you to provide excellent services for your colleagues, students, and supervisor?
My dad was a pastor and he told me to always put people and living things before anything else. My parents went through segregation and taught me to love everyone no matter where they come from or their race or ethnicity, etc.—no one is better than or less than anyone. I grew up serving others in my church and community from a young age. So being a helper is part of who I am. I guess that is now called a “benefit mindset”. I love my work with students and find that it is one of the most rewarding parts of my life. I have maintained relationships with my students since 2000 and have watched them thrive in their careers, get married and have children. They have gone on to mentor others and that impact has a ripple effect. It helps individuals thrive and strengthens our communities. I believe a mentor should always want more success for their mentees than they may have themselves. The constant thread throughout my career has been helping others. I have especially enjoyed helping students achieve their life goals through high-impact learning practices such as undergraduate research, learning communities, and service-learning. I have worked directly with various undergraduate populations including first-generation, honors, academically at-risk, special needs, transfer, EAL/ESL, and international students.
I have loved every department/area I worked in—my career in higher education has been extremely fulfilling. I have been lucky and have always had supervisors and colleagues who were willing to their share ideas, information, knowledge and expertise—and I do the same. I like diversity in thinking and have collaborated with a variety of programs and departments on campus. I think we all should help lift each other up while supporting our students. I always want to contribute to my department and campus and help in any way I can to help enhance services that are offered. My work is almost always deeply informed by current scholarship in the field, trends in higher education, and the mission, vision, and changing demographics at Buffalo State. I am currently working in the School of Education with the Teacher Diversity Program. I absolutely love my new job!!! The Dean, Associate Dean, Department Chair and faculty have given me so much support and gotten me up to speed quickly. I was very nervous about working in the department-- teaching courses I never taught before and advising students in a complicated major that had a lot of requirements.
I love Buffalo State for so many reasons but mostly because I found myself here. I believe in the mission and values at Buffalo State and love the diversity on our campus. I see myself in all the students who attend our college. I attended Buffalo State and earned my B.A. in Economics in 1988 and M.S. in Student Personnel Administration in 1997 and was successful in my life and career because our faculty and staff saw something in me that I didn’t see in myself—they believed in me when I didn’t. I was an aerobics instructor for faculty and staff when I was an undergraduate and formed very close and lasting relationships with class participants. One of the people in the class that inspired me most was Dr. Phil Santa Maria. Dr. Timothy Gallineau set me up with an internship with the Provost and Graduate Dean and when I graduated, they offered me a job in the Admissions Office—I realized I had finally found my true purpose in life.
Also, a faculty member asked me when I was going to pursue a Ph.D. and I didn’t have an answer because I had just graduated and started working in Admissions plus, I didn’t know if I was smart enough to succeed at that level. He drove me to U.B to meet with his colleague just days before school started and I ended up taking a course. It was this type of one-on-one mentoring that made me realize that I could make a significant impact on others.
What personal philosophy about working with others guides your day-to-day work? I
Interdependence brings success for me and others. Helping others is the key to happiness and living a fulfilled life—we all need a little help sometimes. I believe life is all about our interactions with others and lifting people up. The human experience is fragile, and most people go through some type of adversity and/or trauma. I never want to be that person that pushes someone over the edge. Sometimes one kind gesture can make the difference in someone’s life and help them have hope, realize they matter, and others care about their well-being. When you believe in others, they begin to believe in themselves and realize they can do whatever is needed to be successful!!!!!
What do you do when you are not working?
I am a mother and grandmother. I go to see musicals and plays regularly. I love to eat and am a good cook. I like to go out to eat breakfast/brunch with friends often. I volunteer with the City Mission-that was where my father volunteered the most. I love working in my yard because it brings me closer to nature. I binge watch TV but read a lot too. I love dogs and support local shelters—both my dogs are rescues and were abused but now they are thriving. I am a big Bills fan and sell parking spots during home games!!!!
"I first met Dr. Washington-Copeland when I was a graduate student in the SPA program in 2008. She availed herself to me in such a manner that was just plain admirable and refreshing. At that moment, she became a person I looked up to as a professional and I began to be privy to her selfless nature when it comes to helping students revel their best selves--along with her love for Buffalo State and issues concerning higher education. As a student at that time, I benefited from her willingness to engage students, provide tutelage and have high expectations of students to present their best selves. After graduate school, I was hired at Buffalo State. Over the years she and I worked closely on a variety of projects including volunteering. We also shared students and brainstormed unique ways to reach and support students. I was always very excited to refer students to her for various programs she oversaw or UNC 100, knowing that they would have the opportunity to connect with someone who truly cared about them and would challenge them to become who they dreamed to be. She is contentious in her thoughts, speech and actions. In whatever she is involved in, she is enthusiastic about her work or cause and passionate about her role within it. The commitment to Buffalo State’s mission and enthusiasm that she displays as a professional, and as an individual are above reproach. I witnessed her multifaceted competent nature as she fulfilled roles of a leader, a teacher, a mentor, a counselor and a kind natured colleague at Buffalo State who has contributed to the well-being and development of others (students and staff); our campus and surrounding community.
Dr. Washington-Copeland’s favorite quote is “Service to others is the rent you pay for your time here on earth.” These words of Muhammad Ali depict her educational and career experience thus far. The constant thread throughout her career has been helping others. She has especially enjoyed helping students achieve their life goals through high-impact learning practices such as undergraduate research, learning communities, study abroad/student exchange and service learning. She encourages student involvement and will often take her students to campus events during class time because otherwise some may never get involved. She has worked directly with various undergraduate populations including first-generation, honors, academically at risk, special needs, transfer, EAL/ESL, EOP, international students and more. She has taught a Say Yes Learning Community and will be teaching as part of the Mosaic: Many Cultures One Community Learning Community in the fall. Mosaic House celebrates diversity in all its forms: culture, gender, sexuality and ethnicity. Students will engage in friendly dialogue and organize educational and recreational events to promote diversity on campus. She is really excited about this opportunity given all of the challenges surrounding diversity issues students face; she thinks it will be an empowering course for students to share their concerns and have their voice heard and validated. Her work is always deeply informed by current scholarship in the field, trends in higher education, and the mission, vision, and changing demographics at Buffalo State. As a teacher, her philosophy is that all students can learn when instruction is delivered using a personalized learning approach that is responsive to students’ interests, pace and learning style."
"Dr. WashingtonCopeland is alway kind and understanding. She always manages to help me through the semester putting me at ease of my classes and even my personal life. For Christmas, she found someone to help me with Christmas presents for my boys. During this pandemic, she found pantries for me to recieve food for me and my kids. Sandra has been a big inspiration to my life because she always inspires me to do better.
Dr. Washington_Copeland has always been very motivational. Her words of wisdom and act of kindness has always been pure. She always pushes me in the right direction and never stops pushing me until she sees success in my work.
We are always told by Dr. Copeland that our opinions and values matter and that they are respected. She reminds us to make ourselves known in class and put our view and opinion out there because it is great practice out in the work field.
Durning this pandemic she helped us adapt to the switch from the classroom to online. She also help me adapt to the change of being out of school for so long to start college again and being in the pipeline program. The way she teaches us change is through embracing kind love.
"Dr. Washington has constantly sent emails about varying things on and off campus that will help not only students, but their families as well (program to help children with math, food pantries, emergency funds etc,). She encourages me to get involved in campus and community events.
Dr. Washington has been a welcome breath of fresh air as it relates to ensuring that "ALL" of the students get a fair opportunity. In our program there are people from all races and nationalities. I have seen her on several occasions checking in with everyone. Other students have told me that she emails and calls them about their progress and to see if they need anything. I know from a personal perspective she just encourages me to do well. She reminds me of all the good things that I have done, which makes me want to do better.
I remember when I saw Dr. Washington at the beginning of the semester and she asked me how I was, my family, work. She asked me about my schedule and if I thought I can handle my class load (I was taking 3 classes plus student teaching). After explaining that I could she went on to remind me about all of student support systems in place like the writing center, Butler Library, computer loan program, math center etc.. She made sure that I was confident and know that the school is there to support my academic success.
Dr. Washington, especially during the Covid-19 situation, has helped has adapt to off campus learning. She has assisted us and out teachers in navigating the systems that are in place. I called her several times about concerns, and she encouraged me and let me know that we are all in this together so she will be there to support me in anyway possible; also informing me to let my classmates know that if thy need anything to reach out to her."
"Dr. Washington has gone out of her way to not only teach the materials in her class but she has sat with me at E.H Butler Library and showed me how to navigate my way to needed resources like computer loans, the school's food pantry and resource that would help me and my child with educational resources. I have seen her help other professors without overstepping her boundaries.Dr.Washington has encouraged, advocated, and gave me many tools to succeed in life and academics. Whether it is emailing helpful information of just checking up on me to keep me encouraged I believe that. Dr. Washington has shown dedication, diligence, and a pure belief that all of her students can and will be successful. She has constantly gone out of her way to help even during this time of COVID Quarantine.
Dr.Washington Copeland has found a way to make every students experience and bring them into a positive light. In one of our courses a classmate complaining about some of the inequality in the hiring of teachers. Dr. Washington was able to take that and have us draw. write or sing what we had to offer our future students. She has always greeted us with a warm welcoming smile, great advice, a listening ear and honest feedback. She has also taught us positive self coping skills like breathing and mindfulness exercises. Once when I was freaking out about an assignment she told me she looks at the work for 15 min if she cannot figure it out or gets frustrated she walks away and comes back to the assignment. I still use this positive technique Dr.Washington taught me to this day."
"Ms. Sandra has a very welcoming demeanor ever since I met her for the first time. Ms. Sandra was my teacher last semester in the Special Project class; this was my very first class at Buffalo State College. On the first day of class, she took us on a tour of the campus because a lot of us weren't familiar with the campus. She took the time to show us where all the important stuff was on campus, buildings, bookstore, etc. She was very excited to get the Pipeline program and was saying very positive things about its success. Even though I was in the CAO Cohort, I was happy to be in Ms. Sandra's class. Every day coming to class Ms. Sandra greeted us with a smile; she always told us she was proud of us and wanted us to be successful. She always stayed tough when things got rough.
This category fits well with Ms. Sandra; she respects everyone and takes everyone under her wing. She cares about everyone and wants them to succeed. Being in her class, a lot of us haven't been in school for a while; she would take the time to remind and show us how to prepare us for the higher levels of learning. Ms. Sandra took a liking to me and was always there to help me. Even though I was not in her class this semester she would email to check on me to seeing how I was doing. She knew I didn't have an advisor, and she decided she wanted to advise me. I am delighted to have met Ms. Sandra; she helped me get reacquainted with the school community."
"I have been seeing Dr. Sandra Washington Copeland’s selfless acts of goodwill and reflecting care for the entire Teacher Pipeline Diversity Program. Dr. Copeland especially enjoys helping students achieve their life goals through high-impact learning practices. In addition, she manages the Teacher Pipeline Program consistently and selflessly by practicing Random Acts of Kindness. She always improves our happiness, self-esteem, concentration, and quality of education. Due to her acts of kindness, I never hesitate to contact her to request help at any time. She also responds or helps in a timely manner with heartfelt kindness. Being a student of the Teacher Pipeline Diversity Program, I can definitely affirm that she is enabling student empowerment to succeed and to inspire a lifelong passion for learning and assuring that the Buffalo State is a diverse and inclusive college.
Dr. Copeland is a personable and approachable person and has an extremely positive disposition. She makes time for others. As far as I know, she is running by working 10 hours days and Saturday, which is incredible devotion. She cares about not only her students but also students’ families. For example, she always shares valuable information for our family members such as “Math help for Your Kids, Church Kids, Friend's Kids and All Kids.” I was amazed she helped and guided me a lot from admission to learning. It is really hard saying no to her because she always does so much for our campus and is always upbeat and positive. She is always welcoming and cheerful to all students including native English speakers and also non-native English speakers like me, that increase the diversity and inclusion of our school community. Her attitude to fostering our school community helps students excel and succeed is evident in his interactions with students both inside and outside the classroom. Myself and my friends always speak very highly of her consistency, reliability, advising and teaching style. Dr. Copeland is a compassionate and encouraging director/advisor, yet challenges students to explore and confront the realities and difficulties in our undergraduate curriculum and personal behaviors that may hinder us. In any conversation, she always begins with positive feedback before addressing some of the tough parts of the discussion and making them clear.
Dr. Copeland mentors me as a student of the Teacher Pipeline Diversity Program and provides career and life guidance to me so that I am able to prepare for future career life. Her impact as a teacher, mentor and director is evident in her masterful ability to command respect, to demand best efforts and campus involvement all while modeling personal excellence. When I look at my previous class, it is obviously that she equally treated all students as well as his colleagues. As an advisor, she is always extremely patient and accommodating. This is evident in her underlying passion to motivate and inspire all of us to tap into their true potential. She is always welcome to meet students wherever they are at in their academic or developmental trajectory. Although she is not directly responsible, she currently helps me with SUNY application as I need to transfer credits earned from Myanmar. She always offers to fill in whenever and wherever needed. It is evident how much she cares for us and how much we adore her."
Professional Development Center
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